Assistant Training Course (ATC)

Mission of the Water Family (2018)

WABA requirements to access an Assistant Training Course (ATC)

Pre-requirements: Be a Certified WATSU® Practitioner for a minimum of 1 year ‘ Have conducted at least 80 professional sessions in the last year. Have attended the current Basic WATSU® at least 1 time and WATSU®1 at least 3 times OR WATSU® 1 twice and WATSU® 2 twice (at least 1 of the WATSU® 1 classes must be the current WATSU® 1.

For additional details, please contact the ATC provider of your choice.


  • Application form
  • CV resumé
  • Recommendations from 2 registered WABA instructors or 1 instructor if country of residence has 2 or less instructors
  • Letter of intent stating why you wish to be an assistant
  • Criminal background check

Successful completion of ATC, qualifies you to present Introduction to WATSU® and WATSU® Round up to 6-8 hours in length and to conduct Supervisions up to 3 hours in length for students of Basic WATSU® and WATSU® 1

Contact ATC/ITC WATSU® Italia or ATC/ITC WATSU® India: Gianni De Stefani
ATC/ITC Theri Thomas:
Team ATC/ITC US: Cameron West, Peggy Schoedinger and Mary Seamster, ,
ATC/ITC South America: Outstanding,