“Dear Training Institutes, Instructors and Practitioners,
This text of us to inform you about some problems that we had with the WORLD WATSU WEEK mail account that made impossible for us to see if some of you wrote for information.
The previous mail account was open the first time from a Russian Instructor, due to the current war situation in Russya and Ukraina, the account was somehow blocked out.
For this reason, we have open a new one and we are sending you again the information feel free to contact us for any doubts. The new email contact is … worldwatsuweek@gmail.com –https://worldwatsuweek.com/.
We are all concern about the recent events in Russia and Ukraina, our hearts are in sorrow and pain for this war that is creating so many losses and destruction. From the deepest of our heart we hope that the conflict can soon be solved and that peace can be the solution.
We know it’s difficult in this moment to find happiness and joy when so much pain is around, at the same time we know that one way in which we can give our contribution is through waves of peace, love and collaboration. Let’s have this intent in the World Watsu Week 2022, let’s cooperate in order to create in our world this peace that we all are longing for. We all know how Watsu it’s a gift for the peace of the heart, for bringing people together, let’s spread this energy in the world.
Those of you who want to do something could also collect money during WWW sessions and send it to The Red Cross https://www.icrc.org or to UNHCR https://crisisrelief.un.org/t/ukraine or https://giving.unhcr.org/en/ukraine
Below all the information you need:
As for the previous edition, we will need collaboration and interactions to update social media, inserting updated data, based on your availability.
We liked the idea to keep the official date close to the International Water Day, March 22.
In the same time, we have received feedback that in some countries, in order to use outdoor pools, the date will not fit.
So we decided to keep it open, and the suggestion was to have another date in May.
These the two dates for the current year:
from March 22 to March 28
from May 18 to May 25
Training institutes, Instructors and Practitioners are free to organize local events, conferences, Watsu Rounds, etc. according to their local pools or connections. For the participants everything is going to be for free, so that also who normally cannot effort to receive a watsu session can have the opportunity to experience it.
In each local WATSU WEEK there will be responsible organizers who are invited to stay connected with the main starting team.
You can write and stay connected with us through this mail address.
We will use the same logo of the previous edition, if you don’t have the file, please request it.
We also have a Facebook group and page, World Watsu Week, where you are invited to post and promote your events concerning the project.
Links to all countries and organizers who attend WATSU WEEK will be published on www.worldwatsuweek.com. Please send only links to your website where you have all the information.
After the event, we will appreciate the sending of 1-2 photos with information about the place, which we can publish on the website.
We wish that all of you can take part of this project so we can together create a worldwide Watsu wave.
Stay connected and keep in touch
World Watsu Week team
Keli Procopio, Roman Nedved , Simone Albini, Zdenka Jasova.”