WABA European Symposium and Instructors Conference 2024

Invitation to the 2024 WABA European Symposium and Instructors

Conference in Sardara, Sardinia, Italy
from 5 to 8 October 2024

Dear Water Family,

We hope everyone is fine.

This is the first announcement about the 2024 European Conference and Symposium which will be held inSardara Spa -Sardinia (SU)Italy from 5 to 8 October 2024. A complete info with application forms will follow in the next weeks.

Please note that the deadline for enrollment as lecturer for the public workshops held on 5-6 October 2024 is 1st February 2024. The application must be sent to wabasic2024@gmail.com. To join the workshops as a student you are requested to submit a participation form to wabasic2024@gmail.com

The points you may suggest to the Instructors Conference agenda need to be sent to agsgds@gmail.com by the end of July 2024.

Enjoy Wintertime

Watsu Italia Organizing Committee